We are "owned" by two Scottish Terriers. Dugan just turned 6 years old on Ground Hog day. He is a brindle Scottie and a finished champion. I honestly can't say that Dugan loved the show ring. We got started in conformation to learn more about the breed, the sport and to spend some quality time with our boy. What an education it was! If you've ever seen the movie Best In Show it is no exaggeration! I guess you can say that we also fine-tuned our "people skills" through that activity.

Sadie came along two years afterward. She will be four years old this June. Sadie has been an entirely different story! She LOVED the show ring and finished quickly, acquiring her two majors both at Specialties. Since retiring she has focused on ball playing (her favorite thing in the world other than my husband) . Sadie has blessed us with two litters of healthy puppies and if it is God's will she will have another this spring. We breed to the standard under the mentorship of experienced breeders in our Clubs.

Sadie at Bushy Run Kennel Club dog show

Sadie's winning turn at the GPSTC Specialty in 2007
Dugan and Sadie aren't the only Scotties in our lives. We belong to the Scottish Terrier Club of America (STCA) and also two regional clubs, the Greater Pittsburgh Scottish Terrier Club (GPSTC) and the Scottish Terrier Club of Northern Ohio (STCNO). Being active in a breed club opens up the opportunity to meet lots of Scotties, each one unique while maintaining that wonderful Scottie attitude and personality!
Most of my creations will have one of these wonderful Scots in mind. With their owners permission I'll share their stories.
Opening my etsy shop, www.uniquescotties.etsy.com has allowed me to combine two of my favorite things, Scotties and crochet!
You are owned by two GORGEOUS Scotties!! I couldn't imagine having any other type of dog in my life- Scotties just have so much personality that no other dog can top!